

Before you browse and use this online web portal you should read the disclaimer and term of services.

We have made every possible effort to ensure that the information published on this web portal URL (http://www.perfecthairtransplant.com) is perfect and updated at the time of publishing. These information regarding Hair Transplant clinic, Doctors qualification, methods used in procedure and results is provided by respective hair transplant clinics and their doctors, our portals don’t claims the accuracy of these information. The user should confirm this information before proceeding or before making decision based on information available on this portal or provided by any representative of the portal.

Hence, we don’t assure any guarantee or warranties, responsibility, undertaking or representations on the completeness, accuracy on the behalf of any clinic or doctor We neither accept nor assure any responsibility to user (website visitor) in relation to the hair treatment or hair transplant via this web portal (http://www.perfecthairtransplant.com).

The complete responsibility of the end result will be of clinic and the doctor/ surgeon and depending on the information provided by the user/patient. Hence, we do not guarantee nor responsible for specific hair transplant, surgical or non surgical or hair treatment result. Using any of the information and functionality in any form makes a user accepted the term of the services and it means has read the disclaimer and has accepted.